Forgive me for starting with a repeat that is not too smart from the old saying, but today “Almost all news is good news” when you try to produce visibility for your company or organization. I will tell you how to make a valuable news release from information that you might not think of having value and publishing it.
What I mean by “Almost all news is good news”? So that any news can be converted into content for online and offline publications, getting valuable visibility for your business or organization.
Traditional News Releases – or press releases as previously recalled when a real press is used by real news organizations to print news – must be vie for limited space on the printed page. Usually, which limits concern for stories about new products or services, new technology, or key organizations.
But today, the concept of “news” has changed dramatically. The publishing room is almost unlimited and publishers are hungry for content. The lines have blurred between what is called “real” news organizations such as newspapers, magazines, and outlets news broadcast and “new media” such as online citizen sites – journalism, blog, and news aggregator services. At present, many of the stumbling blocks have disappeared which can produce news and outlets that publish it. It’s easier than before to get your news published in various places. The trick is to write something that will be quite interesting for someone to take it and publish it.
Choose a topic
There are more things to write news releases about what you might think, starting clearly: new products or services, openings and closures, restructuring (partnerships, mergers and acquisitions), and employee / staff news. These topics can generally be considered as “hard” news and viable distribution, if possible.
However, there are a number of other topics, that many people don’t think of promoting with the news release, but it makes the ideal “soft” news release. These topics include trade shows and performances of conferences, awards, business warnings, new client victories, purchasing capital equipment, and new capabilities. While business publication editors can consider these topics too selfish to guarantee publications, there are still good reasons for writing releases on them, because you will soon see.
Make your own news.
Don’t think you have enough news, hard or soft, to write about? Then think about making your own news. Develop a simple industry or customer survey, publish the results on your website, and write news about it.
Write a report. Interview key personnel in your organization and your industry trade association about your market or industry and publish their insights. Then write the release of the main findings, announce the availability of reports to download on your website. With a little thought, you must be able to make several ways to make your own news.
Write news release
Now you need to write about your topic. Remember that this is news, not an ad, and an editor will judge whether it is worth publishing. Avoid jargon and use phrases such as “leading industries”, “number one”, “unique”, and other terms that slap Self-Swanting ads.
Lead with all important information in the first paragraph, starting with the topic, company, and why your news is important. Traditionally, this is known as “five w and h” – who, what, where, when, and how. Save simple sentences and paragraphs.
Add details to the center, or body, from your release and finish with what is called “BoilerPlate” – Standard information about your company or organization, including basic descriptions, locations, and web addresses. If your company is large enough, it can even enter the number of employees, information on subsidiaries, and stock ticker symbols if traded publicly.